
Basic Usage

Once configured, the plugin will compare the file modified dates of a .less file and it's companion .css. The less file is compiled if the css is newer.

Basic Examples:

compiles into 

compiles into 

When a .less file is located within a folder named less, then the compiler will look for and place generated .css files into a companion css folder.

Ignoring Files

The less compiler will ignore files starting with an underscore like _variables.less

File Inheritance / Dependecies

To save processor time the less compiler does not read less files for dependencies. To instruct the processor of LESS dependences the .lessrc instruction files are used. A .lessrc file can be a single file defining rules for the entire folder, or a separate file to accompany each less file in the folder.

In the following example, the template.less file depends on _variables.less, and the template.lessrc file is used to define that dependency.


    @fontColor: black;


    @import "_variables.less";
    body {
      color: @fontColor;


      "import": [

Alternatively each folder may contain a single .lessrc file that defines rules for the entire folder. In rules for an entire folder the * wildcard can be used to specify that all files depend on another.

In this example we see that all files in the folder depend on _variables.less, while editor.less also depends on ../system/less/_variables.less.


      "files": [
          "file": "*",
          "file": "editor.less",
          "import": "../system/less/_variables.less"
      "import": [