Site Specific configuration

Site monitors are created and managed from the main Addon page or from the Hosting product view.
When creating a new site monitor from the main Addon page you will be prompted to optionally select a Client. From the client Hosting view the site monitor will be automatically associated with the client. Once associated the Client cannot be changed.
Site Connect URL
This is the site url that will be checked for availability. You may use an
formatted url (eg: If the site is protected by Basic HTTP Authentication then you select Requires Authentication to expose the optional Username and Password fields. -
Site Connect username
If the site requires HTTP Authentication then enter the username here.
Site Connect password
If the site requires HTTP Authentication then enter the password here.
Check Status
Toggle whether the site is Active or Inactive, which controls site inclusion in the cron job.
Expected Response Code
200 is the expected response code by default. You may enter any response code (including custom codes) that will be considered successful a response.
Send Notifications
Toggle the sites email notification system. No emails will be sent to Admins, Clients, or anyone in the global CC list when Inactive.
Send Client Notifications
Toggle a Client's Notification for the site.
Send Admin Notifications
Toggle an Admin's Notification for the site.
Additional Notification Recipients
This comma separated list of emails will receive site notifications.