Managing Project Details

Management of the general project details is performed from the Details tab of project view. The total project completed percentage is shown next to the Details tab label.

Project Edit
  • Project Name
    This is a free-form input that should be used to uniquely identify the project.

  • Type
    This customizable field is used for organizing different major project types.

    Note: Project Type options are defined in the Configuration area.

  • Status
    This customizable field is used for organizing overall project completion.

    Note: Project Status options are be defined in the Configuration area.

  • Date Start
    This is the date that the project has or will be expected to start.

    Note: Date Start will automatically be adjusted to accommodate action dates that precede the specified date. This feature can be disabled in the Configuration area.

  • Date Finish
    This is the date that the project has or will be expected to finish.

    Note: Date Finish will automatically be adjusted to accommodate action dates that succeed following the specified date. This feature can be disabled in the Configuration area.

  • Client
    This dynamic selection is used to relate the project with a specific client.

  • Hosting Product
    This dynamic selection is used to relate the project with a specific client hosting product. A client relationship is required before this field can be populated.

  • Client Contact
    This selection is used to relate the project with a specific client contact.

  • Admin Access
    This option defines the level of security associated with the project for administrative users, described in more detail below.

  • Client Access
    This option defines the level of security associated with the project for the client, described in more detail below.

  • Managed by
    This is the administrative user responsible for managing the project.

  • Assigned to
    This is the administrative user responsible for maintaining the project.

  • Billable Time
    This is the default billable status applied to all actions and timelogs.

  • Notes / Details
    This is a free-form textarea field that can be used to store general project notes, details, or objectives.

  • Private Notes
    This is a free-form textarea field used for private administrative notes that will not be visible to the client.