Project Provisioning / Automatic Project Creation on Invoice
(wbteampro >= 2.0.0)
Included with wbTeamPro is a Product Module that can be used to automatically copy a project template upon order creation or invoice payment, automatically assigning the new project to the ordering client.
The server module will create a new project by copying the selected Project Template, updating the Start date, End date, and setting the client, and product relationships. The project name can include variables for translation using fields on the Hosting/Service and Client records, the available fields include:
Hosting Record | Client Record |
{} | {} |
{hosting.userid} | {client.firstname} |
{hosting.orderid} | {client.lastname} |
{hosting.packageid} | {client.companyname} |
{hosting.server} | {} |
{hosting.regdate} | {client.address1} |
{hosting.domain} | {client.address2} |
{hosting.paymentmethod} | {} |
{hosting.firstpaymentamount} | {client.state} |
{hosting.amount} | {client.postcode} |
{hosting.billingcycle} | {} |
{hosting.nextduedate} | {client.phonenumber} |
{hosting.nextinvoicedate} | {client.password} |
{hosting.domainstatus} | {client.authmodule} |
{hosting.username} | {client.authdata} |
{hosting.password} | {client.currency} |
{hosting.notes} | {client.defaultgateway} |
{hosting.subscriptionid} | {} |
{hosting.promoid} | {client.taxexempt} |
{hosting.suspendreason} | {client.latefeeoveride} |
{hosting.overideautosuspend} | {client.overideduenotices} |
{hosting.overidesuspenduntil} | {client.separateinvoices} |
{hosting.dedicatedip} | {client.disableautocc} |
{hosting.assignedips} | {client.datecreated} |
{hosting.ns1} | {client.notes} |
{hosting.ns2} | {client.billingcid} |
{hosting.diskusage} | {client.securityqid} |
{hosting.disklimit} | {client.securityqans} |
{hosting.bwusage} | {client.groupid} |
{hosting.bwlimit} | {client.cardtype} |
{hosting.lastupdate} | {client.cardlastfour} |
{client.cardnum} | |
{client.startdate} | |
{client.expdate} | |
{client.issuenumber} | |
{client.bankname} | |
{client.banktype} | |
{client.bankcode} | |
{client.bankacct} | |
{client.gatewayid} | |
{client.lastlogin} | |
{client.ip} | |
{} | |
{client.status} | |
{client.language} | |
{client.pwresetkey} | |
{client.pwresetexpiry} | |
{client.emailoptout} | |
{client.overrideautoclose} |