Mapping Hubstaff Assets to WHMCS

Mapping Hubstaff Projects and Hubstaff Users to local WHMCS assets can be done from the Projects and Users tabs respectively. The operation for mapping the remote Hubstaff to local WHMCS assets are done using a similar inteface. Mapping relationships are a 1-to-1 relationship and cannot conflict.


The mapping of remote Hubstaff Projects to the local WHMCS asset is what will dictate how the Hubstaff Activity records will be synchronized with the local system. Hubstaff Projects are mapped only one of either:

  • WHMCS Client When mapped Hubstaff Project Activity will be synchronized with the specified WHMCS Client
  • wbTeamPro Project When mapped Hubstaff Project Activity will be synchronized with the specified wbTeamPro Project and subsequent WHMCS Client if available


Mapping the remote Hubstaff Users to the local WHMCS Admin will allow for accurate local WHMCS representation of synchronized Hubstaff Activity records. The Hubstaff addon settings include a default WHMCS Admin user definition that will be used when no mapping is available for a give Hubstaff User.