
wbTeamPro uses language files for translation which can be customized for your particular needs. Language files are named to mirror the language files included with WHMCS. The language file selected by wbTeamPro during runtime is determined by the language of the active user, or system defaults defined in WHMCS.

Admin Area Language

The language files for the administrative area of wbTeamPro are located in the folder:


The names for all admin language files should mirror the WHMCS language files in the folder:


Client Area Language

The language files for the client area of wbTeamPro are located in the folder:


The names for all client language files should mirror the WHMCS language files in the folder:


Anatomy of the Language Files

As with the WHMCS language files, an array of language key-pair values is define for each language being translated. The wbTeamPro language definitions are being appending to the stock WHMCS global language array, all grouped under a common "wbteampro" array subset.

In the admin area we are using the $_ADMINLANG global array, like so:

$_ADMINLANG['wbteampro']['my_header'] = 'My Header';

In the client area we are using the $_LANG global array, like so:

$_LANG['wbteampro']['my_header'] = 'My Header';

Contributing Changes to the Community

Starting with v3.0 we have published the wbTeamPro language files into a GIT repository to be updated by the community. We welcome any collabration you can afford, and will include with every package the updated language files.